13 November 2022

Setup Site to Site VPN Connection in AWS

Basic Architecture

Image Source: AWS


Typically the Site to Site VPN setup looks like above diagram where at one end its AWS VPC and other end its customer network with edge router.
However as we don’t have access to customer network, for this exercise, we will simulate the customer network by using another AWS VPC in another AWS region.
We will configure EC2 in this VPC which acts as the router at customer end. For this router we will use OpenSWAN software.
The AWS network diagram would look like following :-
VPC A acts as AWS side of the network and VPC B acts as a customer network

Our Goal

On successful VPN connection, we should be able to reach to EC2-A instance from our simulated corporate network (EC2-B) using EC2-A private IP address.

Follow steps to configure this IPSec VPN connection:

In this exercise, we will create 2 VPCs, one will act as AWS side of the VPN connection and other VPC acts as a customer on-premise network with router configured on EC2 instance.


1. VPC-A (CIDR – This is AWS side of the network
a. Hosts the AWS VPN gateway

2. VPC-B (CIDR - This acts as Customer data center network
a. Hosts Openswan VPN server (router)


Steps to setup IPSec VPN between AWS VPC and Customer Network with Static Routing

1. Create AWS VPC-B which acts as Customer datacenter end of VPN connection
a. Create VPC in N. Virginia Region
(Name: VPC-B, CIDR:, Tenancy: Default)

b. Create an Internet Gateway (Name: VPC-B-IGW)
c. Attach an Internet Gateway to VPC-B

d. Create a Public subnet in VPC-B
i. Create Subnet (Name: VPC-B-Public-Subnet, VPC: VPC-B, AZ: us-east-1a, CIDR:
ii. Enable “Auto Assign Public IP” for the Subnet

Select Subnet > Actions > Modify auto-assign IP settings > Enable auto-assign public IPv4 address

e. Create a Route Table (Name: VPC-B-Public-RT, VPC: VPC-B)

i. Add a route entry for destination and target as Internet Gateway
Select Route table > Routes > Edit Routes > Add Route > Save

ii. Associate route table with the subnet
Select Route table -> Subnet Associations -> Edit Subnet Associations -> Select Subnet VPC-B-Public-Subnet -> Save

f. Launch an EC2 instance (EC2-B)
i. Select VPC-B and VPC-B-Public-Subnet, Type: t2.micro, Storage: Default, Tags – Name: EC2-B, Keypair: your existing key pair or create new if you don’t have existing keypair

After successful launch of EC2 instance:
Let’s call EC2 Public IP = EC2_B_PUBLIC_IP
Let’s call EC2 Private IP = EC2_B_PRIVATE_IP

g. Disable Source-Destination Check for this instance as it acts as a router
i. Go to console -> Select EC2-B -> Action -> Networking ->

Change Source/Destination check > Disable

h. Configure security group to allow inbound traffic for
i. Port 22 for your IP address so that you can login and configure software VPN. (Select source “My IP” from the dropdown)
ii. Open “All TCP” for Source as
iii. Open “All ICMP - IPV4” for Source
iv. If you have this instance behind NAT then you should also open UDP port 4500 for Public IP of VPN. (Not application in this use case)

i. Login to VPC-B EC2 machine using SSH and configure software VPN
Change to root user
$ sudo su

ii. Install openswan
$ yum install openswan -y

iii. In /etc/ipsec.conf uncomment following line (if not already uncommented)
include /etc/ipsec.d/*.conf

iv. Update /etc/sysctl.conf to have following
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0
net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0

v. Restart network service
$ service network restart

2. Create VPC-A which acts as AWS end of VPN tunnel

a. Create VPC-A in Mumbai Region
(Name: VPC-A, CIDR:, Tenancy: Default)

b. Create a Private subnet in VPC-A
i. Create Subnet (Name: VPC-A-Private-Subnet, VPC: VPC-A, AZ: ap-south-1b, CIDR:

c. Create a Route Table (Name: VPC-A-Private-RT, VPC: VPC-A)
i. Associate route table with the subnet

Select Route table > Subnet Associations > Edit Subnet Associations > Select Subnet VPC-A-Private-Subnet > Save

d. Launch EC2 instance in this subnet

Select VPC-A and VPC-A-Private-Subnet, Type: t2.micro, Storage: Default, Tags – Name: EC2-A, Keypair: your existing key pair or create new if you don’t have existing keypair

i. Let’s call EC2 Private IP=EC2_A_PRIVATE_IP
ii. Configure Security group to allow

1. Open “All TCP” for Source as
2. Open “All ICMP - IPV4” for Source
2a. Create Virtual Private Gateway (Name: VPC-A-VGW)
3. Attach Virtual Private Gateway to VPC-A
4. Create Customer Gateway (VPC-A-CGW)
a. Go to Customer Gateway and Create new customer gateway
b. Select routing as “Static”

c. Provide Customer end Public IP as IP address (In this case

EC2_B_PUBLIC_IP. See 1.f.i step above)

d. Leave rest of the fields as default and Create Customer Gateway

5. Create VPN Connection
a. Go to Site-to-Site VPN Connections ->Create VPN Connection
b. Provide Name: VPC-A-VPC-B-VPN
c. Select Target Type -> Virtual Private Gateway
d. Select newly created VGW and CGW
e. Select Static routing -> Enter IP Prefix range of VPC-B (
f. Leave rest of the fields as default
g. Create VPN Connection

h. At this point, VPN connection id should be created. Wait for some time till state turns out to be “available”
i. After VPN connection is created, go to “Tunnel Details” tab where you should see 2 tunnel IPs
i. Assuming Tunnel1 IP=TUNNEL_1_PUBLIC_IP
ii. Assuming Tunnel2 IP= TUNNEL_2_PUBLIC_IP

j. Download VPN configuration as “Openswan” and save as text file locally. Open the file with editor like notepad++.

6. Enable Route Propagation for VPC-A Route table
a. Select Route Table (VPC-A-Private-RT) -> Route Propagation -> Edit Route Propagation -> Select Virtual private gateway -> Save

7. Login over SSH on VPC-B-EC2 instance, configure OpenSWAN as below
a. sudo su
b. Create a file /etc/ipsec.d/aws.conf and paste the Tunnel1 configurations from the VPN configuration file you downloaded. The section looks like following

conn Tunnel1
authby=secret auto=start left=%defaultroute

leftid=<Customer end VPN Public IP>
right=<AWS VPN Tunnel 1 Public IP>

ikelifetime=8h keylife=1h

phase2alg=aes128-sha1;modp1024 ike=aes128-sha1;modp1024 keyingtries=%forever keyexchange=ike

leftsubnet=<Customer end VPN CIDR> rightsubnet=<AWS end VPN CIDR> dpddelay=10

dpdtimeout=30 dpdaction=restart_by_peer

Note: Remove auth=esp line from the above section if exists.


Replacing values from our example:

conn Tunnel1
authby=secret auto=start left=%defaultroute
ikelifetime=8h keylife=1h


c. Create a new file /etc/ipsec.d/aws.secrets and add the pre-shared key to the file. You can find the shared key details in the VPN configuration file. Refer the section of Tunnel 1.
EC2_B_PUBLIC_IP TUNNEL_1_PUBLIC_IP: PSK "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

d. Configure ipsec service to be ON on reboot > chkconfig ipsec on

e. Start the ipsec service
$ systemctl start ipsec

f. Check status of the service

$ systemctl status ipsec

If you have completed all the steps properly then your VPN Connection should be setup at this point

Verify VPN Connectivity:

1.      Check VPN Connection tunnel status on AWS. You should see 1 tunnel up. Sometimes it takes time to detect the Tunnel status. Hence wait for ~5 mins if you see tunnel down.

2.      From VPC-B EC2 instance, you should be able to connect to instance in VPC-

A on private IP

[root@ip-10-200-0-166 ipsec.d]# ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=254 time=1.43 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=254 time=1.52 ms


Cleanup the AWS Resources
After successful completion of VPN setup
o Terminate all the EC2 instances both the VPCs
o Delete the VPN Connection from VPC console in Mumbai
o Delete the VGW and Customer Gateway
o Delete VPC-A and VPC-B


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